
About Me

I'm Ajani Green—a passionate React developer with 5 years of programming experience from Jamaica 🇯🇲, and a strong advocate for innovative cloud infrastructure. My expertise lies in building dynamic user interfaces with React, complemented by hands-on experience in architecting, deploying, and maintaining cloud-based applications on AWS. Whether it's crafting seamless front-end experiences or designing robust backend systems, I'm dedicated to continuous learning and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in web development and cloud computing.

Languages, Frameworks & Tools

C CC++ C++OpenJDK JavaKotlin KotlinPython PythonJavaScript JavaScriptTypeScript TypeScriptHTML5 HTMLCSS CSSSass SassReact ReactNext.js Next.jsExpress ExpressNestJS NestJSFlask FlaskFastAPI FastAPISpring SpringKtor KtorTailwind CSS Tailwind CSSDocker DockerGit GitGitHub GitHubGitLab GitLabAmazon Web Services AWSNGINX NGINXRedis RedisInfluxDB InfluxDBGrafana GrafanaSentry SentryGitHub Actions GitHub ActionsMongoDB MongoDBPostgreSQL PostgreSQLAmazon DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDBAWS Lambda AWS LambdaAmazon Simple Email Service Amazon SESAmazon SQS Amazon SQSAmazon S3 Amazon S3Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2Amazon ECS Amazon ECSAWS Fargate AWS Fargate
Me :)
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